A Year 'Round Tan
Protect Your Vacation
Relax In Comfort
How the skin tans...and burns
How many sessions of indoor tanning does it take to get a good tan?
Tanning Do's and Dont's
What are tanning accelerators?
Did You Know...
A Year 'Round Tan
The Sunbanque Tanning System is the best way to keep your glowing tan all year without the damaging effects of the sun.
This new tanning technology is softer than the sun. It gives you gentle tanning light, with just 1/50th of noon time sun output, that works in a totally natural way. This also helps corret the sunshine deficiency we experience in modern urban living, giving you the universally appealing skin that everyone strives for. Skin that is soft, resilient, and full of vitality. Sunbanque also offers Super Nova equipment for a gentle but fast facial tan.
Protect Your Vacation
Compare our low prices and you'll see that getting a perfect tan year 'round is a lot more affordable at Sunbanque. In most cases for a pre-vacation suntan you'll need as few as 5 half-hour sessions to ensure a 'burn-free' vacation. Sunbanque has professional, courteous experts. Let us answer all your questions about sun tanning.
Relax In Comfort
Tan in complete privacy and comfort without sticky oils, and sandy towels. Feel like your on a warm sandy beach in the privacy of your own tanning room -- with fans to keep the gentle breeze blowing. You enjoy a healthy tan from head to toe with just the touch of a bottom, and a little of your spare time.
How the skin tans...and burns
Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It has many functions ranging from touch to temperature regulation, but most importantly it acts as a protective coating for our internal organs.
When we “tan” our skin, the brown colour produced is actually the body's own defense mechanism being triggered to protect us from further damage from ultraviolet rays. When we expose our skin to ultraviolet light, in particular UVB light, a pigment called melanin is produced by skin cells called melanocytes. Melanin is produced in the lower layers of the skin and it is pinkish in colour. When melanin travels to the surface of the skin, the pigment is oxidized by incoming rays, turning it brown in colour.
This is why both UVA and UVB light are necessary for optimum tanning - UVB rays stimulate the production of melanin and UVA rays turn the melanin brown in colour to give you a “tanned” appearance.
Melanin is nature's built-in-protection from ultraviolet rays. Therefore, the more of it present in your skin, the more you are protected from burning.
Most of us know how painful and unsightly a sunburn can be, and the reason you get one is simple: sunburn, or erythema, occurs when the amount of exposure to ultraviolet light exceeds the protection afforded you by the level of melanin in your skin. When this happens the capillaries in the skin swell up causing reddening and all of its painful accompaniments, such as sensitivity to touch and itching.
The reason that some people tan and others burn is due to the fact that not everyone has the same amount of melanocyte cells in their skin. Dark complexioned people have them in larger quantities and fair skinned people have them in lesser quantities.
There are some people who have too few melanocytes in their bodies to tan at all. That's why we stress the point that if you cannot tan in natural sunlight outdoors, then you cannot tans with indoor equipment either!
Sunbanque uses a horizontal relaxing tanning system that is much kinder than the sun. You can now obtain and maintain a tan day or night, rain or shine, all year through.
People go to great extremes and expense to obtain an appealing tan — vacation trips to warm, sunny climates; crowded hotels and hot, wind-blown, sandy beaches, annoying insects; and uncomfortable perspiration — too often join the twenty percent (20%) of you that end up “over exposed” from the harmful sun rays. The long restless periods of outdoor tanning are most unpleasant...Many times the tan you have tried so hard to retain will fade within a few days unless it is supplemented..
How many sessions of indoor tanning does it take to get a good tan?
And how often do I go to keep that tan once I get it?
You will probably see some results after the first or second session. To get a good base, you will need to go for approximately seven to ten consecutive sessions depending on your skin type. Our salon attendants will advise you how long it should take. Generally, the fairer your skin, the longer it takes to tan.
Once you've acquired a tan, it should take only a couple of sessions per week to maintain it.
Tanning Do's and Don'ts
Do wear protective eye goggles at all times. This point cannot be stressed enough because all UV rays can damage your eyes. Just to closing your eyes or using ordinary sunglasses or cotton balls is not enough. Sunbanque will provide you with special ultraviolet protective eyewear.
Do tell us about your previous tanning exposure if you have switched salons.
Don't wear any makeup, deodorant or perfume while tanning as they can act as a photosensitizer and cause unnatural-looking spots on your skin.
Don't wear contact lenses while tanning on a tanning bed..
What are tanning accelerators?
Every sun-worshipper likes the idea of getting a tan the fastest way possible and tanning accelerators are the newest tanning craze..
Applied one or two days prior to tanning they rev up the production of melanin in your skin. Melanin is the pigment in your skin that oxidizes when exposed to ultraviolet light and gives you a brown appearance. The key ingredient in most tanning accelerators is tyrosine, an amino acid that the body uses to synthesize melanin. It is said that once tyrosine is in the skin, all it needs is the stimulus of sunlight to set off the melanin-making action. How much sun you need varies on the individual..
The main function of tan accelerators, of course is to get you the darkest tan with the least amount of exposure..
Did You Know...
Dark sunglasses may actually be harmful to your eyes. Why? Dark lenses reduce the amount of light reaching your eyes, causing the pupils to dilate and allowing more of the damaging UV light to reach the deep regions of the eye. So choose sunglasses that have lighter lenses, and that state that they absorb 100% of the UV radiation..
The sun's UV rays are more intense as you get closer to the equator. This accounts for the bad burns people get on vacation in tropical areas. Bring along plenty of sunscreen.